Rhymes with Pixel is Digital Imaging Artistry by David Nadeau.
David has extensive experience in high-end people, automotive and product retouching. More than 20 years of experience working freelance, pre-press and in top ad agencies such as Mullen and Crispin Porter + Bogusky give David a huge advantage over his competitors. Top photographers and art directors ask specifically to work with him because they know he takes the time and effort to make every job exceed the vision of the artists involved.
Contact David dave (at) rhymeswithpixel (dot) com directly to learn how he can make your imagery amazing.
David has extensive experience in high-end people, automotive and product retouching. More than 20 years of experience working freelance, pre-press and in top ad agencies such as Mullen and Crispin Porter + Bogusky give David a huge advantage over his competitors. Top photographers and art directors ask specifically to work with him because they know he takes the time and effort to make every job exceed the vision of the artists involved.
Contact David dave (at) rhymeswithpixel (dot) com directly to learn how he can make your imagery amazing.